We Work Remotely

Meet We Work Remotely, the world's largest remote work community that used RingCentral Events for its first-ever virtual jobs fair
We Work Remotely logo

A truly remote event

We Work Remotely was founded in 2013, and since then, has quickly grown to become the world's largest community of remote workers and remote companies. Relied upon by digital nomads and remote professionals everywhere, the team members at We Work Remotely pride themselves on landing qualified candidates their dream jobs – no matter where in the world they're based.
Before 2021, however, this giant job board for remote workers had never actually hosted a virtual job fair due to a lack of suitable tools and team bandwidth. As Justine Shu, Product Manager at We Work Remotely, explains, "the idea of throwing a job fair on Zoom, for example, just seemed like a logistical nightmare for us to plan."
Amid the pandemic, We Work Remotely decided the time was right to host their first virtual event. So they began searching for a platform that could handle their unique needs.
The goals of We Work Remotely's first job fair were to provide networking opportunities, offer helpful advice for job seekers on how to land a position at a high-quality remote company, and to introduce potential candidates to companies that were hiring.
We chose RingCentral Events because it allowed us to focus on our intentions behind the event, which was to connect people with the best remote companies in the world, without being distracted by the planning process. The platform answered the how so that we could really focus on the what and the why of the event.

Justine Shu

Product Manager, We Work Remotely
Justine and her team were happy to see their decision to go virtual quickly pay off. The job fair sold out in just five days, and We Work Remotely ended up doubling the available tickets to cope with the demand.
We Work Remotely's customers also got behind the event, with innovative employers like GitLab, Automattic, Aha, and Shogun registering for booths at the job fair.
I think the demand was always there and a platform like RingCentral Events just allowed the event to happen that much easier because of the brand recognition and because of other fantastic events that have also happened on RingCentral Events in the past.

Justine Shu

Product Manager, We Work Remotely

Making quality connections

To reach their global community of job seekers, the We Work Remotely team went live with their job fair from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. PDT.
Through clever use of RingCentral Events features, participating employers and We Work Remotely created a holistic, engaging event experience for attendees.
Using the Sessions feature, employers hosted intimate presentations for attendees, where representatives talked about their companies and how prospective candidates could land jobs there.
The multi-speaker functionality of RingCentral Events also allowed for roundtable discussions, and presenters kept things interactive with Q&As and polls.
The companies which were presenting sessions could, at the end of their session, say, 'Hey, sorry we're out of time for questions, but meet us in our job booth, and we can continue the conversation there.' So, there was some great synchronicity between the features, and it actually felt like a physical event.

Justine Shu

Product Manager, We Work Remotely

We Work Remotely's favorite RingCentral Events features

We Work Remotely used the following RingCentral Events features to make their virtual job fair a success:
  • Sessions: The team used Sessions to host intimate presentations and roundtables for job seekers with a range of different speakers.‍
  • Expo: This feature was at the heart of the job fair. Each employer got their own virtual booth where they could upload content and host sessions. They also had team members on hand so job seekers could ask questions and register interest.
  • Networking: Using RingCentral Events one-on-one and group-video networking features, We Work Remotely hosted a fun ‘speed networking' session at the end of the day so attendees had a chance to connect with one another as well as potential employers.‍
  • Customization: We Work Remotely took full advantage of RingCentral Events customization features to make sure its logos, color scheme, and tone of voice were represented throughout the event. Employers also customized their Expo booths, allowing them to offer job seekers on-brand experiences.‍
  • Analytics: RingCentral Events analytics and reporting tools were vital for evaluating the success of the event. The reporting was especially useful for proving ROI to customers and justifying future virtual job fairs to key stakeholders within We Work Remotely.
The fact that attendees didn't contact us at all during the event about how to navigate the job fair showed us that RingCentral Events is super user-friendly.

Justine Shu

Product Manager, We Work Remotely

A new virtual reality for job seekers

The team at We Work Remotely was thrilled to see how well attendees and employers responded to the organization’s first virtual job fair.
The NPS for attendees was an impressive 8.3, and We Work Remotely saw this positive response reflected in plenty of buzz on social media both during and after the event.
Post-event follow-ups with employers revealed similar enthusiasm. We Work Remotely's customers expressed plenty of appreciation to Justine and her team, who pushed to showcase participating companies as brilliant remote employers.
We Work Remotely now plans to make virtual events a big part of their future strategy.
Being that We Work Remotely is a job board with a large community, it just makes sense that we need to be hosting more of these in general. It really aligns with our mission of making remote jobs accessible for everyone and making sure people can find them. So we definitely plan on hosting more virtual job fairs in the future.

Justine Shu

Product Manager, We Work Remotely


Average attendee NPS


Expo booth interactions


Of attendees enjoyed the platform

5 Days

For all tickets to sell out
For our first Job Fair, the reception was really positive. The majority of attendees voted it 10 out of 10, and close to 80% of attendees enjoyed RingCentral Events as a platform. On the employer side, our customers were stoked to have spent more time with candidates.

Justine Shu

Product Manager, We Work Remotely

Dream jobs in dream locations

With more than 5 million users and over 6,000 employees, RingCentral offers incredible opportunities across the globe.