Such A Voice

Fast-Growing Voice-Over Training Company Uses RingCentral for Its Distributed Workforce
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RingCentral has been a big step toward consolidating our infrastructure, and it’s helping us increase our efficiency and reduce costs as a result.

Roth Bernstein

VP of Technology, Such A Voice
Such A Voice is a highly respected and accomplished voice-over training and demo production company, and in the decades since it has launched, the business has helped thousands of aspiring voice actors achieve their dreams of becoming professional voice-over artists.
Thanks to some recent cultural changes taking shape in the voice-over industry and media landscape, such as the rising popularity of video and audio streaming services, the increasing affordability of high-quality home recording equipment, and the gig economy, Such A Voice has enjoyed rapid growth over the last few years.
As a business that operates largely on distance learning with voice coaches and students working together all over the world, typically by phone, Such A Voice decided it needed a communication system that could keep pace with its rapid growth and support the company’s dozens of remote team members. They turned to RingCentral.
Professional Services
Essex Junction, Vermont

There are lots of uses for RingEX™

“When I started working here, the company had already deployed RingEX, and everyone was getting a lot of benefit from our RingCentral account,” recalls Roth Bernstein, VP of Technology for Such A Voice.
“Our support and fulfillment teams use their RingCentral numbers to make calls from anywhere, even from their own mobile phones, but still using their business number. Our voice coaches, who work remotely and often from their homes, can conduct phone training sessions with students and even send text messages—also using their Such A Voice business numbers. I use my RingCentral account all the time, too, for calls I have to make to students or to our voice coaches. I can use it whether I’m calling from the office or from anywhere else.”

Consolidation is key

Before Bernstein joined Such A Voice, the company was using as many as four different teleconferencing platforms. “That’s partly a result of the company’s success,” Bernstein says. “Sometimes rapid growth requires rapid decisions, and I think we were just adding new technology and capacity quickly to keep supporting the expanding organization.”
One of the company’s goals now is to consolidate as much of its technology infrastructure as possible so it can continue to support its expansion without having to manage a growing mix of systems and platforms. “We’re still not completely there yet,” says Bernstein, “but RingCentral has been a big step toward consolidating our infrastructure, and it’s helping us increase our efficiency and reduce costs as a result.”
I use my RingCentral account all the time for calls I have to make to students or to our voice coaches. I can use it whether I’m calling from the office or from anywhere else.

Roth Bernstein

VP of Technology, Such A Voice

Such A Voice discovers a new favorite tool, the Glip® messaging app

“The company initially rolled out RingCentral primarily for its voice capabilities,” explains Bernstein, “but we also love the Glip messaging app, and we’re on it all the time.”
As Bernstein explains, the team at Such A Voice has found plenty of benefits to using Glip. “One thing you might not even think about: We have an open office space here in our headquarters. Rather than shouting out a question to a coworker across the office, now we just Glip them. So, Glip has actually helped us work with fewer distractions. And because it’s an instant messaging tool, Glip also makes it really easy for our internal teams to communicate, even when we’re at opposite ends of the country.”
“Another benefit of Glip,” says Bernstein, “has been our ability to form teams of just the relevant people for various projects and make sure everyone involved has all the information they need to move it forward. We’re moving our office soon, for example, and we set up an office-move team on Glip so everyone involved can communicate and see what’s been done and what needs doing. It’s a terrific communication tool.”
Finally, Bernstein adds, “Glip has also helped our customer support team respond more promptly to client questions and requests. So, it’s even helping us improve our service and client relationships.”

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