
Orange Enhances Digital Customer Care Through Consistent Quality in Service Interactions
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It was RingCentral Engage that was able to satisfy the complex and demanding standards of our business, reconciling the imperatives of community marketing and corporate communications with the obligations of customer service when it came to customer requests.

Marie-Hélène Albertini

Head of Forums and Social Networks, Customer Service, Orange

Customer service as a priority

As a service provider operating in a highly competitive industry, Orange’s priority must be customer service. When the number of conversations and channels began to increase, the company decided to systematize its customer response processes. To do so, it needed a tool with which all of its customer service representatives could manage the many conversations occurring on the different channels through a single interface.
The solution would also have to ensure consistent quality in customer service interactions to give customer service representatives an efficient tool, while enabling managers to effectively supervise and direct their teams.

Merging many channels

In 2012, Orange chose RingCentral Engage™ to manage its conversations on the following channels:
Two Twitter accounts (Orange and Sosh)
Two Facebook accounts (Orange and Sosh)
Orange and Sosh user communities (built on Lithium)
Five unofficial forums (including Ariase and
Approximately 50,000 messages per month are received through these channels, a volume that requires a robust management tool.
Professional Services
Paris, France
Over several years of working with RingCentral Engage, we have forged a partnership built on professionalism, responsiveness, creativity, and support as our project has evolved.

Marie-Hélène Albertini

Head of Forums and Social Networks, Customer Service, Orange

Optimizing message handling

To respond effectively to all inbound contacts, Orange employs a team of several dozen customer service representatives from different locations in France. Each center has a specific area of expertise, enabling it to process contacts related to its focus.
Thanks to its intelligent, self-teaching categorization module, RingCentral Engage is able to dispatch messages to the appropriate location.

Customer relations statistics and reporting

Orange has very high customer service standards, requiring responses in less than one hour on Twitter and within 24 hours on forums (to allow for organic customer discussions).
In addition to giving representatives targeted reporting tools, RingCentral Engage provides support to Orange managers to ensure that they would get the most out of the statistics, to implement a system for monitoring representatives’ responses, and to draft and enforce best practices guidelines for social networks.
Now, Orange receives 90K messages every month, with the ability to respond to 90% of Tweets under an hour and an 81% satisfaction rate with responses.

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