
For This Industry-Leading Language-Service Provider, RingCentral Video Translates into Business Succes
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Having RingCentral Video actually brought us closer as a company during the pandemic, even though most of the team spent a lot of the year working remotely. That’s just one reason I say RingCentral was the best decision we made in 2020.

Cody Broderick

Founder & CEO

Breaking down language barriers to unite people worldwide

As many businesses discover when they attempt to expand into new territories or reach out to a new market segment, one of the biggest challenges is the language barrier. Fortunately for the thousands of businesses that have found themselves in this situation—from small companies to global brands such as Disney, PepsiCo, American Express, and Apple—there’s inWhatLanguage.
A full-service translation and localization company, inWhatLanguage provides a wide range of services to help bridge communication barriers with employees, customers, and partners in any country and language. From in-person interpreters, to document translation, to help with crafting messages sensitive to another culture, inWhatLanguage helps unite people worldwide every day by breaking down language barriers.
As it turns out, the company’s innovative services were in even greater international demand than its founding team imagined. In just 10 years, inWhatLanguage has built an operation spanning 125 countries, with 10,000 in-country linguists providing services (in person, by phone, and over video) for more than 50,000 client projects.
But ironically for a company that had grown wildly successful by helping businesses all over the world communicate, inWhatLanguage was facing a growing problem with its own internal communications infrastructure.
Translation and localization
Salt Lake City, UT

A disjointed telephony environment too frustrating for words

Cody Broderick, inWhatLanguage’s Founder and CEO, explains that with the company growing so rapidly, year after year, he and his tech team had little time to proactively build a cohesive IT communications environment.
“Our solution was to just keep bolting on new tools,” Cody explains. “We used an outdated on-prem phone system, with landlines and desk phones, and we added capacity as needed. Then we implemented a separate system for team messaging. And then we rolled out yet another app for video conferencing. Nothing was connected to anything else, and that slowed down our communications.”
Then a friend of Cody’s, who owns a successful roofing business, told him about RingCentral, calling it the smartest technology upgrade his company had made in a long time. “When I looked into RingCentral and saw that we could centralize everything—phone, messaging, video, even SMS texting—on one unified platform that we could access anywhere, I knew we’d found a game-changer for our operations.”
Integrating RingCentral with our sales-enablement platform, Outreach, is making our sales teams much more efficient and productive because they can use RingCentral’s outbound dialer to make more calls each day. More calls mean more sales, and that means more revenue.

Cody Broderick

Founder & CEO

Employees cheer RingCentral in every language

As Cody notes, implementing the cloud-based RingEX (Message, Video, Phone) platform, including RingCentral Video, proved even more transformational for inWhatLanguage’s operations than he’d hoped. In fact, he explains, team members across the organization are cheering their new unified communications solution.
“Everybody appreciates being able to take and make business calls from their computer or cell phone using the RingCentral app,” Cody says. “And I know this because we survey our employees’ satisfaction levels regularly, and the positive response to RingCentral has been overwhelming.”
“People really like how easy it is to set up and start a video call now because we’re all on the same RingCentral Video system and it’s integrated with our calendars. They’re also having a great time creating dedicated threads on RingCentral’s messaging platform—to discuss specific work topics, communicate with customers, and just have fun sharing stories with coworkers about their pets or hobbies.”
Cody also makes an interesting point about why inWhatLanguage’s employees—whose office locations span the United States, London, Bucharest, and Buenos Aires—are getting such value from using RingCentral’s emojis and GIFs in their messages.
“We’re a language company, and GIFs and emojis are languages in and of themselves. Sometimes the right facial expression or the perfect animated GIF can help us communicate a thought or idea or feeling better than words can. I think our team of language-minded professionals really appreciates having this whole additional vocabulary at their fingertips.”

Translating raw data into valuable business intelligence

Yet another language RingCentral is helping the company decode, Cody explains, includes all of the raw communications data that the company generates every day—valuable information that before RingCentral had essentially been inaccessible to inWhatLanguage.
“Our sales managers use RingCentral’s reports everyday to gain more visibility than ever into our reps’ performance,” Cody says. “And because all our communications now run through a central system—with detailed reporting capabilities—we can see and analyze everything: all calls, all call dispositions, the success rates of our SMS messaging campaigns, you name it. We’re learning so much about how to make our operations even better.”
From making our daily internal communications easier, to improving our responsiveness to customers, to boosting our reps’ productivity, to using RingCentral Video and messaging to enhance our company culture, I honestly can’t name one area of our operations that we haven’t improved with RingCentral.

Cody Broderick

Founder & CEO

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