As Kylie explains, Habitat Anderson’s staff has found numerous other tools on the RingCentral platform to increase the efficiencies of their daily workflows and—even more important—to better serve the organization’s future homeowners.
“Often an applicant will come to our office with what they think is a completed application for a our affordable homeownership program, but they’re still missing a document or two. We used to have to send them home and ask them to make another trip. But with RingCentral, we now have other options. If the document we need is from a utility company, for example, the applicant can call and ask the company to fax it to us, and we can receive that digitally through the RingCentral app.”
Kylie adds: “Sometimes the applicant can pull up information we need on their phone. And now we can have them just text it to our business number, which is a capability we didn’t have before RingCentral. These features are helping us make the application process quicker and more convenient for our future homeowners—and that means everything to us.”
Finally, Kylie notes, she and her team use RingCentral’s voicemail-to-email and voicemail-transcription features to ensure they’re always alerted to important messages, wherever they happen to be, and that they’re able to easily forward a voicemail to the right person.
“Even if I’ve set the RingCentral app on my phone not to ring through outside of business hours, I can still see my voicemails because they come right to my email inbox,” Kylie says. “I can skim the voicemail transcription—and I find the text translation is usually spot-on—so if it looks like something that needs answering right away, I can respond. Or, if I want a coworker to hear the message, I can just forward the email.”
Kylie concludes: “These might sound like small things, but they really help us do a better job of being there for our applicants and stewarding them on their journey to homeownership. And I promise you—that is not a small thing.”