FCM Meetings

Meet FCM Meetings & Events, an international events agency that used RingCentral Events for an immersive automotive launch with a 90% attendance rate
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Start your engines

As a full-service international events agency, FCM Meetings & Events is well-versed in hosting an array of events for clients of varying sizes and industries.
With each new customer comes different goals and challenges. As any good events agency knows, it's vital to find a platform that works for each client's specific needs. Senior Producer Rosie Thompson-Jones chose RingCentral Events for one of FCM Meeting and Events’ prestigious product launch events.
What made us choose RingCentral Events over other platforms? The overall look of the platform and the branding qualities were definitely [some] of the big-ticket items for this particular event. Also, ease of use; their audience is a varying demographic with different levels of experience in virtual environments, so it needed to be easy to use and look really slick.

Rosie Thompson-Jones

Senior Producer, FCM Meetings & Events
Ultimately the goal for the product launch was to sell more. Attendees included the supply chain network, sales teams, and journalists.
This kind of event would usually be hosted in person, but an in-person event wasn’t an option in the middle of a pandemic. The main challenge for FCM Meetings & Events was finding a way to drive the same type of energy, inspiration, and engagement without attendees being able to smell, touch, and see the product in the flesh.
To drive buzz ahead of the event, the agency hosted teaser content on RingCentral Events that was also featured in pre-event communications. This approach resulted in an impressive 80% conversion rate from event invites. They also customized the event's look and feel to align with the new car's colors and branding.
Our challenge - how do you achieve that same result without the tactile experience? So how did we overcome this challenge? By building an emotional connection with our audience through engaging, emotive content that builds a sense of community and connection with the audience members.

Rosie Thompson-Jones

Senior Producer, FCM Meetings & Events

Driving in the fast lane

To achieve the emotional connection they wanted, FCM Meetings & Events delivered a range of interactive content the day of the event by making clever use of several RingCentral Events features.
To create a highly engaging experience, attendees could view a variety of pre-recorded product videos, television commercials, and other marketing materials. They could also watch live presentations and Q&A sessions with the CEO and head of marketing.
Attendees could have a personalized experience by booking individual sessions with the client's general manager and marketing team to discuss the product and its launch.
Feedback from the FCM Meetings & Events team tasked with organizing this event was that setup was easy, and key stakeholders were impressed with the look and feel of the product launch.
It's that first impression, that first look. The platform looks slick, it's user-friendly, and it's beautiful.

Christian Marchand

Senior Producer, FCM Meetings & Events

The features FCM Meetings & Events used for a successful car launch 

As a renowned global agency, FCM Meetings & Events stand out for their ability to carefully curate events for their clients according to their specific needs. They've been able to do this on many occasions using RingCentral Events top features and integrations:
  • Q&As: Allowing audiences to engage with speakers via RingCentral Events Q&A functionality makes presentations more interactive.
  • Slido integration: FCM encourages attendee engagement via interactive presentation elements like live word clouds, quizzes, and polls.
  • Customization: FCM can fully customize colors, logos, imagery, and the layout in RingCentral Events based on each client’s specific needs and branding.
  • Analytics and reporting: RingCentral Events analytics tools are invaluable to FCM when it comes to proving event ROI to clients, key stakeholders, and sponsors. Reporting on audience engagement also helps to inform future event strategy.
  • Expo area: The expo booth feature has been instrumental in driving audience engagement and ROI for sponsors.
Having done a few events on different platforms, I can say that RingCentral Events is the one that we get the fewest live support requests on. The platform is stable, user-friendly, and intuitive, which creates a seamless experience for the audience.

Christian Marchand

Senior Producer, FCM Meetings & Events

A podium finish

Along with plenty of direct positive feedback, the FCM Meetings & Events team used RingCentral Events reporting and analytics tools to assess the impact of the automotive launch among attendees.
Rather than focusing on NPS, FCM prefers to measure an event's success based on attendance and retention rates. They believe these metrics are a better indicator of audience sentiment.
From that standpoint, the automotive launch was an undeniable success. The attendance rate was more than 90% and the audience retention rate also stayed above 90% on the day of the event.
With these results, the FCM Meetings & Events team had some very happy stakeholders. Their client praised the launch and remained a loyal customer for future events.
After seeing similar results and feedback across multiple clients and events, FCM Meetings & Events has landed on RingCentral Events as its preferred platform for all virtual and hybrid events moving forward.
We chose to hero RingCentral Events as our preferred platform because of the way it looks, because it's easy to use in the backend, and it costs us (from our own time point of view) less to put events out there. I think you get great bang for your buck.

Rosie Thompson Jones

Senior Producer, FCM Meetings & Events


Invite conversion


Attendance rate


Where we've also offered post-event downloads and sponsor engagement options, we've seen an in-excess of 50% uptake and up to 32% conversion, which is a great result.

Rosie Thompson-Jones

Senior Producer, FCM Meetings & Events

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