Envision Radiology

With RingCentral contact center, Envision Radiology improves its workflows—and gives its specialists more time with patients
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on-prem phone systems consolidated to one centrally managed platform


employees across the country now connected through RingCentral’s cloud solution


reduction in abandon rate with RingCentral Contact Center
What’s amazing is that moving to RingCentral has given us all these advantages we didn’t have with our old phone environment… more features, easier management, improved reliability, unlimited scalability. And at the same time, because RingCentral lets us consolidate so many other services into one, we’re actually paying less, not more.

Aaron Daub

Director of IT Operations

Decades of experience helping doctors and patients see the full picture

When their patients need diagnostic imaging, physicians across Colorado, Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and other states choose the experts at Envision Radiology.
Since its founding in 2000, Envision has grown to become a leading regional provider of outpatient radiology services—with dozens of imaging facilities—and the preferred diagnostic partner for thousands of doctors across the Southern and Midwestern US.
One key to the company’s success is that Envision uses only the latest in imaging technology, which enables them to deliver doctors reliable and accurate patient information quickly. But what truly distinguishes the company is how they treat their patients. Each Envision diagnostic facility is warm, inviting, and staffed with professionals who put patients first.
It was the company’s commitment to deliver an outstanding patient experience, in fact, that led Envision to search for a better telephony solution.

Rapid company growth called for telephony consolidation

Demand for Envision’s radiology services has increased so much over the years that the company has steadily added new diagnostic centers in new regions to serve its ever-growing roster of referring physicians.
Aaron Daub, Envision Radiology’s Director of IT Operations, explains that this expansion put increasing pressure on the company’s phone infrastructure. “Each of our 40+ locations had its own phone server onsite,” Aaron says. “That was a lot of different call rules, phone menus, and other adjustments to manage, and the system really didn’t allow us to oversee things from one central location.”
Recognizing that this phone environment would only become more taxed as the company continued to grow, Aaron’s team began looking for a cloud phone solution capable of scaling and supporting Envision no matter where—or how quickly—the company added new facilities.
We chose RingCentral for several reasons: scalability, cost, mobility, and a team that seemed helpful and accommodating. But I think what really solidified our decision was RingCentral’s place in the market. We did our research, and wherever we looked, we found RingCentral leading the pack in terms of reputation and trust.

Aaron Daub

Director of IT Operations
Colorado Springs, CO

Unleashing new operational efficiencies immediately

When they migrated Envision’s employees onto RingCentral’s cloud-based phone platform—which allowed them to use their business numbers to make and receive calls on their computers and mobile phones—Aaron’s team began to see several workflow improvements almost immediately.
“From a mobility standpoint, RingCentral proved to be the ideal solution very quickly—because we rolled it out just a few months before the COVID lockdowns started,” Aaron explains. “We considered ourselves very fortunate to be able to continue sending patients to the places they needed to be, even with a lot of our staff suddenly remote.”
Another workflow improvement, Aaron points out, was the ability to replace the company’s outdated faxing infrastructure with RingCentral’s built-in digital fax service. “We’re now sending faxes through our RingCentral environment, which has allowed us both to get rid of our old fax machines and also to consolidate yet another separate communications vendor into our RingCentral account.”
And at the same time Envision’s administrative and medical staff were migrating to RingCentral’s cloud phone platform, Aaron was also helping the company’s patient call center department transition to RingCentral Contact Center.

Newfound visibility leads to major call center improvements

One of the biggest success stories to come out of Envision’s migration to RingCentral Contact Center, Aaron points out, was the business intelligence the company’s call center managers gained into their team’s operations.
“By analyzing RingCentral’s call traffic reports, we realized we could direct more patients’ calls to our centralized call center team first—rather than having them call their local diagnostic center directly, which is what they had been doing. That one workflow change has given the patient service representatives at our diagnostic centers much more time to focus on their patients—because they’re not being interrupted nearly as often to take a phone call.”
By letting us pull calls away from our imaging centers and redirect them to our call center team, RingCentral Contact Center has given our medical professionals around the country more time to do what really matters: care for the patients right in front of them.

Aaron Daub

Director of IT Operations

Improving the call center team’s answer rate significantly

Migrating to Contact Center also helped the call center team reduce its abandoned calls by a significant percentage.
Before implementing Contact Center we had roughly a 9% call abandonment rate, but now it’s down to about 1.5%. That’s about an 83% reduction, and we’re extremely pleased with it.

Aaron Daub

Director of IT Operations

Lowering the company’s telecom costs

Migrating Envision onto RingCentral also helped reduce the organization’s overall telephony expense, Aaron explains.
“We had so many servers, so many phone lines, and so many telecom agreements with local and regional carriers that we couldn’t create any economies of scale. But moving to RingCentral helped us eliminate those services, as well as others like our faxing environment, and consolidate everything onto a single platform with one vendor.”

Improving data security and regulatory compliance

As Aaron also points out, keeping the company’s patient-related data secure and in line with data-privacy laws is top priority for Envision. And the move to RingCentral has helped the company with this objective as well.
“Security of our communications and data are very important. Migrating from on-prem to cloud services can be nerve-wracking. But RingCentral’s advanced security protocols and HITRUST certification give us tremendous confidence that this company takes protection our data seriously.”
Centralizing our entire telephony environment with RingCentral helped us lower our overall spend considerably.

Aaron Daub

Director of IT Operations

Extending RingCentral’s value through workflow integrations

As Aaron also notes, Envision is using RingCentral’s Open Platform to create additional workflow improvements and provide a much more personalized customer experience.
“We integrated RingCentral’s SMS API with our patient scheduling system, and now can use our Envision phone numbers to push out SMS texts to patients for things like appointment reminders,” he says. “That’s a great solution for helping us provide a service that our patients really appreciate, while also reducing the number of missed appointments, which helps our bottom line.”

Leveraging remote communications to create new business opportunities

Finally, Aaron points out, Envision is also finding that RingCentral has the feature-set, geographic reach, and scalability to support the company’s plans to expand into new areas of business.
“Our main focus right now is mammography and building up our women’s radiology practice. We’re partnering with several radiology reading groups in the regions we serve, but not all those groups have in-house mammography expertise. What’s great about RingCentral is that we can now partner with those expert radiologists anywhere—and connect them with our patients through a conference room or another private setting.”
We’re growing quickly, adding staff, opening new diagnostic facilities, starting joint ventures with other specialists to offer services in new regions. With RingCentral, we have a telephony partner that can support us no matter where we go, how quickly we expand, or what communication services we need. That’s giving us more confidence to focus on growing our core business as aggressively as we can.

Aaron Daub

Director of IT Operations

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