DavLong Business Solutions

RingCentral Helps Keep This Healthcare Software Provider Connected, Growing, and Serving its Medical Practice Clients
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We wanted to know: Could we operate successfully as a completely remote company? We’ve found out that yes, we definitely can. And RingCentral is a big part of the reason.

Dane Tyler

Chief Financial Officer
In business for nearly 40 years, DavLong Business Solutions has become a trusted technology provider to the medical industry. From practice management solutions, to Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems, to a world-class suite of billing and accounts receivable services, DavLong is the business-solution provider of choice for hundreds of doctors’ offices, specialty practices, and other medical businesses across the country.

To compete and thrive, modern medical practices need to focus their attention on patients—not paperwork. That’s why hundreds of practices entrust their backend administrative functions to DavLong Business Solutions.

If you want to learn how to build a business for long-term success, you’ll want to study the story of DavLong Business Solutions. Whereas many young companies rush new products to market and then hope to find customers, DavLong—a business software provider—patiently studied various industries to learn where the company could add value and solve real problems.
Launched in 1983 to provide computerized solutions to businesses, the company soon narrowed its focus to healthcare providers. DavLong’s research revealed that doctors’ practices needed help automating the administrative aspects of running their business: billing, appointment scheduling, patient information management, etc. Within a few years of its launch, DavLong became a thriving small business offering medical practice management software.
The company continued studying the industry, learning how else its software and services could help medical practices. In 1992—just a year after the Institute of Medicine issued its goal for doctors to move from paper-based patient records to digital records—DavLong was already installing one of the earliest fully integrated Electronic Health Records (EHR) and practice management solutions. As a result, DavLong became a pioneer in the EHR industry.
More recently, DavLong’s study of the medical industry found that small practices were still having trouble with billing and collections. Once it had assembled the most effective billing-management software in the industry, DavLong activated the second phase of its new strategy: acquiring small medical billing companies and growing a world-class Billing Services team.
But to keep that growing team of employees connected and cohesive across more than 20 states, DavLong needed a unified, user-friendly communications environment.
Savannah, Georgia

More acquisitions could’ve undermined their communications infrastructure

Dane Tyler, DavLong’s Chief Financial Officer, explains the company had several reasons to find a more modern and flexible communications solution. First, DavLong’s legacy phone system was aging, and they’d need to replace it soon anyway. Also, even before the lockdowns, DavLong’s leadership team had been planning to transition the company to remote working arrangements. In fact, many employees were already working from home before COVID ever hit the news.
But to thrive as a fully virtual staff—with employees in dozens of states—Dane knew the company would need a communications platform that kept everyone connected, accessible, and able to function as efficiently as if the whole team were working in the same building.
The deciding factor for finding a new phone system was DavLong’s aggressive phase of mergers with small billing providers. “We were acquiring a lot of companies, and we didn’t want those new offices staying on their old phone systems,” Dane says. “We wanted to bring them into a centralized environment and make it easy for everyone to connect with everyone else.”
Because of the plug-and-play nature of RingCentral, setting up our team’s communications capabilities at home was one of the easiest aspects of transitioning to remote work during the lockdowns. That was such a relief.

Dane Tyler

Chief Financial Officer

RingCentral’s unified communications solution keeps this growing team connected

When they rolled out RingCentral’s unified cloud solution—one environment for phone service, video conferencing, and team messaging—DavLong solved the communication challenges of bringing on so many new companies in different areas of the country.
“It allowed for  a very smooth onboarding of newly acquired companies,” he says. “We’d get all of a new office’s existing numbers ported over to RingCentral, add the new employees into the company directory… and just like that, we could easily reach our new staff members through the RingCentral app, and they could reach us just as easily.”
Nor was phone service the only aspect of the RingCentral solution that the company benefited from. DavLong also uses RingCentral Video for team meetings, demo presentations to clients, and training sessions for new employees. The company also takes full advantage of RingCentral’s Glip team messaging app for real-time chats and file sharing.
“We’re on Glip basically all the time, and it’s been great for our operations,” explains Dane. “Before RingCentral, we were using a lot of different tools for those quick communications with coworkers… email, text messages, phone calls. We’ve consolidated a lot of this onto Glip, which has made things a lot easier and usually means a much faster response time.”

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