When they launched the firm, Scott and Kirsty signed up for basic business phone service from a large telecom provider. That service worked well enough while the company was very small and still signing on its first customers. But, as Scott explains, Harmony Health is in a heavily regulated industry, and the steps the firm needed to complete to keep its phone calls compliant with regulators became increasingly difficult with the old phone system.
“We need to record our calls with customers, log them all, and keep all of that customer data secure and confidential,” says Scott. “We got to a point where our phone provider’s service just couldn’t give us an efficient way to handle those responsibilities.”
Nor were these regulatory demands the only reason Harmony decided to search for a new phone solution. As Scott explains, service levels from the firm’s original telecom supplier were poor, call quality was inconsistent, and the system lacked key capabilities to make the team more efficient and productive.
“We really wanted a phone solution that would integrate with our CRM system, both to automate the recording and storing of every call, and to give our sales agents tools like one-click dialing to make placing calls easier.”