When The Big Issue purchased a set of on-prem phone systems several years ago to support its network of offices across the UK, the organisation was initially pleased with the investment. But over time, the phone system created problems that eventually became too serious to ignore.
The first challenge was the fact that the phone system was on-prem and dependent on the office’s power supply. Jacek Papciak, Senior Network Engineer for The Big Issue, describes the problem this created.
“Our area experiences a lot of power cuts, sometimes lasting for an extended period. When that happens, we lose all of our phone service. And because our phone hardware serves more than one location, a power cut to one office can knock out phone service for many of our offices.”
And although the legacy phone system allowed employees to access phone service via desktop and mobile apps, both of those apps began having issues… then serious problems... until they eventually failed. That left employees with very limited phone service as soon as they stepped away from their desks.
Worse, the system itself was complicated and required a lot of technical knowledge to fix even minor issues or make small administrative changes. That created enormous headaches for the organisation’s technical team.