Gloucester Area Code
Local phone numbers > UK area code phone numbers > Gloucester Area Code
The original Gloucester area code 0452 confused a lot of callers with the call rate. Some callers thought that calling to the Gloucester area code would be a much more expensive call. This is because there is a non-geographic service that uses the same prefix in the same 0X range. This service in particular is the mobile phone. Mobile phones have area code numbers that also start with the numbers 0 and 4. Aside from this problem, the supply of Gloucester area code during that time was dwindling.
To resolve both of these difficulties, the figure 1 was introduced as part of the new area code for Gloucester. It was not only Gloucester that had its area code changed but many cities and communities in the UK also underwent modifications to their respective area codes. The Gloucester area code uses the geographic numbering 01XXX XXXXXX as its format. The digit “1” was added before the original area code and just after the trunk code 0, resulting to the birth of the 01452 area code.
Callers outside its geographic boundary would have to dial the Gloucester area code followed by its 6-digit Gloucester local number. Companies and businesses within the Gloucester area are now faced with a dilemma in their telecommunication. Some clients would be discouraged to memorize lengthy Gloucester local numbers. There is no problem if the customer is located in the same area since they will no longer need to include the 1452 area code. They would only be required to key in the Gloucester local numbers of the place that they want to call.
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Select local numbers in any location and establish yourself as a local business.
Route calls to your freephone numbers anywhere worldwide, such as your home, business, or smartphone, with robust answering rules.
Display your RingCentral local number as your outbound caller ID from any phone.
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This problem could actually lead to losses in the part of the business owners. Big companies always have a big advantage over small and medium businesses (SMBs) when faced with this kind of problem. They can afford to pay for an exclusive toll free number that is not affected nor influenced by these changes in dialing. SMBs though, find it harder to cope since they cannot afford to have a toll free number and would be forced to use 1452 area code as part of their contact number.
Fortunately for SMBs, RingCentral offers affordable and cost-effective toll free numbers. Aside from the advantage of having a toll free number as your contact number, RingCentral also provides your organization with a Virtual PBX. This feature would enable you to create virtual departments and connect employees not only within a local branch but also from branches across the country through the use of extensions.
The versatile phone system also has an installed music on hold which plays personalized music or messages to callers waiting on the line. This is a good way to establish business brand and improve the company's professional image. Business owners may choose from the ready-made default recordings and music or they can record from their own PC or phone or upload professionally recorded messages and greetings.
RingCentral's phone system can increase a company's productivity and save it from unnecessary telecommunications expense. Additionally, it also empowers your company to maximize net income. With RingCentral telephony products as your business phone system, efficient and successful flow of communication is within your reach.